Biomembranes - what do they do? And what does this have to do with comics?
In our workshops, participants create their own science comics. This enables children and young people to engage intensively with a scientific topic.
In the first phase of the workshop, we develop a knowledge base in the field of "biomembranes" in a playful way. Depending on the level of knowledge, we build on existing knowledge. Using small experiments, we discover together what biomembranes are, where they are located, how they are structured and what tasks they perform. Of course, we also show how we can examine them in our research laboratory.
In the second phase, the participants are instructed to draw their own science comic based on the previously developed scientific basis. This involves developing characters, creating a story and putting the individual images together.
In addition to the basics of membrane research, which is an exciting and rapidly developing field of research, participants will also gain insights into scientific research and the job of a scientist. The importance of basic research is conveyed and prejudices against STEM subjects are broken down by dealing with a complex subject in a fun and creative context. Last but not least, the workshops are intended to arouse curiosity and interest in the natural sciences.
Contact us here if you are interested in organizing a workshop at your school.